We are supposedly the most intelligent species on this planet, however why is it that we, as a humanity still consume and allow our bodies to digest the poisons of artificial foods and man made products?
Worst of all, majority of foods readily on offer in restaurants and supermarkets are resistant to decomposition; not even mould will eat them - yet 'we' do. If you were to put a McDonalds meal, a tub of margarine or potato crisps outside overnight, insects and rodents would reject them.
The mainstream media reported a story in 2010 after an artist kept a McDonald's happy meal, unwrapped, for six months and it failed to decompose. Sure, the food solidified and hardened, but there was not one trace of mould to be found. Critics tried to justify the case by saying that given enough time, the happy meal hamburger eventually would develop moulding, but surely 6 months is long enough?
What on earth are they putting in this food to keep it looking fresh for so long? Tinned, frozen and packaged foods are designed to have a long shelf life by humans, not by mother nature. In reality most foods should start to deteriorate after a few days - breads, meats etc. Why is it that we are able to keep sauces in our cupboards for months or meats which last for a week and bread which doesn't go off for days?
Attached is an article about the 'Happy Meal' test and the reasons behind why McDonalds products cannot and will not mould.