Firstly to set the scene... Imagine this - I am sat on a balcony overlooking the rainsforest and the caribbean sea, reggae plays in the background whilt I read the most splendid of books, watching parrots fly in circles and appreciating the sounds of nature.
"The waves lap and crash, the birds sing, the cockeral wakes you up earlier than needed. This place is truly spectacular. I think I have found the perfect place for people to rediscover themselves; to feel nature, to have the sun kiss their skin with it's abundance of warmth and vitamin D..."
"Just being able to touch trees, feel the land beneath my feet, submerge myself beneath water, watch nature forgoe it's daily activity, eat food as mother nature intended, is just the most beautiful thing to me!"
I think the sunshine allows us to appreciate the simple things in life a lot more and hope with all my heart this has put you in a beautiful mood for the rest of the day. Now, whilst we're on the subject of nature and being outdoors, I think I need to find one of those fitness parks, as there's no fun in training indoors on such a wonderful day like today x