On the same day that the Olympics release thousands more tickets for the 2012 London games, David Beckham has been announced as one of the provisional 35 man strong squad for GB's football team. The final 18 will be announced on the 6th of July, with Beckham expected to be one of only three over 23's to make the line-up.
David Beckham carrying the Olympic torch
Controversially, the announcement of Beckham's placement has been suggested as a ploy to entice members of the public to purchase tickets for the games.
Controversially, the announcement of Beckham's placement has been suggested as a ploy to entice members of the public to purchase tickets for the games.
However with tickets for the opening ceremony costing from £995 and tickets for the evens themselves reaching a price of £720, how any person - especially whilst this country faces such a huge financial crisis, and increased cost of living - will possibly find that sum of spare money in order to afford tickets is incomprehensible.
